la_Fuste June 11, 2020 (4 min reading)

We give the floor to Jimmy, guide and lecturer on the massif.

My name is Jimmy, and I'm a native Auvergnat who loves my region. I'm also passionate about history, so it's only natural that I should become a tour guide in the Auvergne to help people discover our beautiful heritage. I'm also an artist who produces his own shows and has become an actor-guide for unusual tours with Les Virées du Sancy, as well as a tea enthusiast. In short, you could say that I'm a man who makes his living from his passions. And that's priceless!

What is a tour guide?

There are thousands of us all over France to help you discover the jewels of our heritage. We hold a professional card, acquired following a diploma validated at Bac +3 level. It's a regulated profession too, which protects us from people who might give guided tours without having this professional card. If you want to visit a historic monument, you'll need a qualified guide. Calling on us is the assurance of a convivial moment that will help you get to know your vacation destination better.

The services offered by 106 Découvertes!

Whether you're an individual or a professional, I offer guided tours of all the sites to discover in the Auvergne at affordable prices. For me, you can become the best ambassadors for our region, which is why I strive to create affordable and simple tours so that you can get to know the Auvergne better. All this, of course, in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Don't hesitate to contact me and follow me on the networks to find out about the tour program with my partners. You can also contact me for visits for your customers (professionals) or family visits (individuals). I look forward to seeing you ;-)

My top 3 on the massif :

1 - The spa town of Le Mont Dore

Le Mont Dore is the Auvergne spa town par excellence. The Romans made no mistake when they built thermal baths here, the remains of which can still be seen scattered around the town. The town's heyday came in the early 19th century, when the world's greatest came en masse to "take the waters" for treatment and relaxation. The Duchesse d'Angoulême (daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette), Mme de Sévigné and the Duchesse de Berry (daughter of Charles X) all came to make the resort famous. Today, as you wander through the narrow streets, you can still discover the thermal baths dating from 1817, still considered today to be the most beautiful in Europe, as well as the Palace Sarciron, one of the 3 most beautiful palaces in France at the time, the "chic" villas of these socialites and, of course, the funicular railway with its original machinery, which was the first electric funicular railway in France.

In short, if you'd like to experience the life of an aristocrat in the early 19th century for a day, welcome to Mont Dore.

2 - The town of Besse and Lac Pavin

The town of Besse enjoyed its heyday from the 13th century onwards. Thanks to a charter of franchise granted by the lords of La Tour D'Auvergne, Besse became an important commercial crossroads, ideally situated between the plains of La Limagne and the Sancy mountains. Today, it's a medieval town with a rich heritage to discover. In the winding streets, you can admire the belfry that was once the main entrance to the fortified town. You'll also see the house of Queen Margot, where she is said to have spent a night: legend or reality, it's up to you! Pass through the château du bailli! The bailli, who was once the lord's representative in the city, had full authority over the law. Last but not least, take a look at the church of Saint André, home to Notre Dame de Vassivière: a majestic virgin who is said to have performed many miracles in the region. You can also do a little shopping in the village's many shops. You won't be disappointed by this town, listed as one of the "petites cités de caractère" (small towns of character).

Don't hesitate to visit the nearby Lac Pavin. A lovely walk around this volcanic lake, a must-see in Auvergne.

3 - The village of Orcival

The village of Orcival is famous for its basilica, one of Auvergne's 5 major Romanesque churches. You can't come to Auvergne without visiting at least one. It has preserved all the characteristics of Auvergne Romanesque art. Don't forget to pay your respects to Notre Dame d'Orcival, a 12th-century Virgin in Majesty whose incredibly rich finery will astound you. For those with a sweet tooth, don't hesitate to visit Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Juilhard, where you can sample traditional Auvergne fruit jellies. Finally, for nature lovers, just a few kilometers away, you'll be able to admire one of the most beautiful views in the Auvergne: Les Roches Tuilières et Sanadoire and Lac de Guéry. The Lac de Guéry is the highest lake in the Auvergne, which means we can go ice fishing there in winter. There's plenty for you to do in this little corner of paradise.

Fuste? What's that?

Let's start with the etymology of the word: when you remove the bark and branches from a tree, you get a "fut", so the log construction is a FUSTE, and its creator a FUSTIER.

It's a very ecological construction, with materials coming from a short circuit (in our case, the wood comes from Corrèze).

The trees used are Douglas pines, originally from the American north-west and imported to Europe by a Scotsman called "David Douglas" in the 19th century. The advantage of this tree is that it doesn't need to be treated, and is naturally resistant to fungus and mildew.

This type of construction has very low humidity levels, so it's warm in winter and cool in summer. Because of the dry air inside, the sensation of warmth is only felt at a temperature of 16°C/17°C, compared with 21°C/22°C in conventional homes.

Log houses are highly resistant to time and water, and depending on the quality of the wood, the lifespan of a log house is 400 to 600 years.

Now, for the more curious among you, don't hesitate to watch this France 3 report.

The truffle.


500 g potatoes (bintje)
250 g fresh Cantal tomme.
100 g Cantal cheese
Semi-thick cream
Salt and pepper.
Green salad.
Local ham.


Peel and slice potatoes.

Sauté in a casserole dish, seasoning with garlic, salt and pepper.

Add a little heavy cream.

At the end of cooking, add the Cantal cheese and Cantal cheese.

Mix with a wooden spoon and serve immediately, accompanied by a green salad and local ham.
